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Think of your favourite public speaker...Have you ever thought of their first experience in front of an audience? Hmm.. Most authentic leaders reveal their not-so-perfect beginnings and it helps the tribe appreciate vulnerability as part of the genuine leadership wilderness. Take Brian Tracy for example, one of the foremost experts in the field of public speaking training in Canada. He gives a candid account of a conference speaker who went on stage and literally crapped in his pants...What an oops! so he was forced to leave the stage and that meant a change of wardrobe right there. I hope you're taking notes...

Did you know that keynote speakers and expert panellists get paid to speak? Now you understand the pressure. It is palpable. And as you exit the stage, you get the cheque right there and not something you chase around for weeks awaiting a signatory or two... good as cash. Some speakers take home up to six figures for a singular global gig . Did you know that the speaking industry globally is one of the most lucrative? Now you know.What you don't know is that a vast majority of the excellent speakers you find on stage and that you admire for being ever so eloquent have speaking mentors. I just spilled the beans. They take private lessons from the comfort of their office boardroom. They invest in personal development. What a stage confidence mentor will not tell you is who he or she is training.

On the other hand, what we can do is quite easily point out out audience engagement strategies that the public speaker is using. Take Kenya for example. Kenya is at the height of campaign for the five year elections cycle. I must say I am quite impressed with a lot of improvements that I see in the ladies who are running. Even the seasoned speakers have taken on refresher classes, in my opinion based on my own observations. Two things.What i'm I saying here. If something is important to you, you will find a way to improve yourself to reach your ultimate goal. Number two, learning never ends, Lifelong learning is what keeps those you admire at the top of their game. In the book, "Bouncing Back & Thriving:- Titans' Secrets to Rising, Thriving and Staying on Top of Your Game" all the African titans I interviewed separately confessed to lifelong learning as what has kept them on top, in and out of life's storms, Covid being the most recent. And of course they are all accomplished public speakers! So..what are you waiting for?

To sign up for private coaching to learn from the comfort of your boardroom, slide into my DM.

To purchase a copy of the Titans best selling guide, go to

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Stage confidence 101

My journey to becoming. The year was 1994. I was a University student in an American college based in Kenya. The course, Public Speaking was a must do.. not an elective course. Speaking in front of yo

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